Yanina Bellini Saibene

Yanina Bellini Saibene is a researcher at INTA (National Institute of Agricultural Technology) dedicated to applying data science to the agricultural sector and a professor in several regional specializations about Digital Agriculture and Data Analysis. Yanina is formally trained as a Licenciate in Information System with a Master degree in Data Mining and Knowledge Management. She is an active member of the R Community as an R-Ladies organizer and part of the R-Ladies Global Team. She also is a co-founder and co-chair of LatinR and part of the organizing team of useR!2020 and user!2021 (co-chair). She is also co-founder of MetaDocencia, a open, free, volunteer-lead, not-for-profit educational organization and part of the teams that translate educational and technical material to Spanish.

rstudio::global 2021

On programming, teaching, and building interactive tutorials with learnr

January 21, 2021

Teaching R is part of my activities as a community organizer, an RStudio Certified Instructor, a conference chair, and a researcher.