Wednesday, January 29

All times are listed in Pacific Standard Time (PST)

Session 1: Case Study
11:30a - 1:00p

Professional Case Studies
Katie Masiello, RStudio

How Vibrant Emotional Health Connected Siloed Data Sources and Streamlined Reporting Using R
Sean Murphy, Vibrant

Building a new data science pipeline for the FT with RStudio Connect
George Kastrinakis, Financial Times

How to win an AI Hackathon, without using AI
Colin Gillespie, Jumping Rivers

Session 2: Interface
2:15p - 3:45p

Accelerating Analytics with Apache Arrow
Neal Richardson, Ursa Labs / RStudio

Updates on Spark, MLflow, and the broader ML ecosystem
Javier Luraschi, RStudio

What's new in TensorFlow for R
Daniel Falbel, RStudio

Deep Learning with R
Paige Bailey, Google

Session 3: Case Study
4:00p - 5:30p

Journalism with RStudio, R, and the tidyverse
Larry Fenn, Associated Press

Putting the Fun in Functional Data: A tidy pipeline to identify routes in NFL tracking data
Dani Chu, NHL Seattle

R + Tidyverse in Sports
Namita Nandakumar, Philadelphia Eagles

Making better spaghetti (plots): Exploring the individuals in longitudinal data with the brolgar pac
Dr. Nicholas Tierney, Monash University

Thursday, January 30

All times are listed in Pacific Standard Time (PST)

Session 4: Workflow
10:30a - 12:00p

RMarkdown Driven Development
Emily Riederer, Capital One

renv: Project Environments to R
Kevin Ushey, RStudio

RStudio 1.3 Sneak Preview
Jonathan McPherson, RStudio

Using Jupyter with RStudio Server Pro
Karl Feinauer, RStudio

Session 5: Organizational Thinking
1:00p - 2:30p

Small Team, Big Value: Using R to Design Visualizations
Ian Lyttle, Schneider Electric

UnicoRns are real
Dr. Travis Gerke, Moffitt Cancer Center

Data Science in Meatspace
BenJoaquin Gouverneur, Plenty Unlimited, Inc.

Value in Data Science Beyond Models in Production
Eduardo Ariño de la Rubia

Session 6: Lighning Talks
2:45a - 3:30p

Dr. Amelia McNamara, University of St Thomas
Javier Luraschi, RStudio
Rebecca Barter, UC Berkeley
MA Maria Ortiz Mancera, CONABIO
Caroline Ledbetter, University of Colorado
Athos Damiani, R6
Katherine Simeon, Northwestern University
Amanda Gadrow, RStudio