
Session Summary:

Many companies within the insurance and financial sector maintain a large number of legacy models in the platform Microsoft Excel. With the advent of data analytics, many of these same companies are now looking to migrate their existing models from an Excel environment into an R environment. This process, however, is not foolproof. I should know as I have had to do it several times! Having made many mistakes myself, I would like to provide some tips to help future analysts and companies outside of the technology industry overcome some common pitfalls that they may encounter during the model migration process.

Session Details


01:30 PM to 01:50 PM

Potomac C

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Currently working as Portfolio Optimisation Lead at Tokio Marine Kiln, I am passionate about enhancing the computational aspects of actuarial work in the insurance industry and the London market. My interest in R began after completing a data science project during a master's programme in London. It has since developed over the past 6 years into a loving relationship, which I would not change for the world!