
A key benefit of R and Python is the ability to connect to a wide variety of data sources and other analytic systems. The helps organization get more value out of all their analytic investments. Learn more.


How BI and Data Science Deliver Deeper Insight Together

February 8, 2022 |

Michael Lippis of The Outlook podcast interviewed RStudio's Lou Bajuk to discuss the relationship between data science and business intelligence tools.


(Re)Introducing the "Solutions" website

May 27, 2021 |

RStudio's solutions website has been around for a long time and has recently undergone an extensive redesign


Debunking R and Python Myths: Answering Your Questions

September 10, 2020 |

In this post, we answer questions raised by participants and attendees during our recent Debunking R & Python Myths webinar. Our bottom line was to use the tools that let you be most productive in the shortest amount of time.


Debunking the R vs. Python Myth

August 26, 2020 |

For data science to be credible, agile and durable, we need to embrace the differences between R vs. Python.


How to Deliver Maximum Value Using R & Python

August 13, 2020 |

For data science teams to be successful, they need to embrace both R and Python. The ease of interoperability gives the user the flexibility to fill in any tool gaps for their own needs.


3 Wild-Caught R and Python Applications

July 28, 2020 |

In this post I present three "wild-caught" examples solicited from the R community of how they use interoperability between R, Python and other languages to solve real-world problems.

rstudio::conf 2019

New language features in RStudio

January 24, 2019 |

RStudio 1.2 dramatically improves support for many languages frequently used alongside R in data science projects, including SQL, D3, Stan, and Python. In this talk, you'll learn how to use RStudio...

rstudio::conf 2019

Databases using R: The latest

January 23, 2019 |

Learn about the latest packages and techniques that can help you access and analyze data found inside databases using R. Many of the techniques we will cover are based on our personal and the communit

rstudio::conf 2019

Configuration management tools for the R admin

January 23, 2019 |

This talk will feature an introduction to configuration management tools for the Analytic Administra