

sparklyr 1.3: Higher-order Functions, Avro and Custom Serializers

July 16, 2020 |

Sparklyr 1.3 is now available, featuring integration of Spark higher-order functions, and data import/export in Avro and in user-defined serialization formats.

rstudio::conf 2019

Scaling R with Spark

January 25, 2019 |

This talk introduces new features in sparklyr that enable real-time data processing, brand new modeling extensions and significant performance improvements.


Part 4 - Understanding sparklyr deployment modes

August 30, 2017 |

sparklyr facilitates a connection between R and Spark using a full-fledged dplyr backend with support for the entirety of Spark’s MLlib library.


Part 3 - Advanced features of sparklyr

August 23, 2017 |

sparklyr facilitates a connection between R and Spark using a full-fledged dplyr backend with support for the entirety of Spark’s MLlib library.


Part 2 - Extending Spark using sparklyr

August 17, 2017 |

sparklyr facilitates a connection between R and Spark using a full-fledged dplyr backend with support for the entirety of Spark’s MLlib library.


Part 1 - Introducing an R interface for Apache Spark

August 9, 2017 |

sparklyr facilitates a connection between R and Spark using a full-fledged dplyr backend with support for the entirety of Spark’s MLlib library.


Sparklyr: Using Spark with RMarkdown

October 27, 2016 |

RStudio recently announced a new open-source package called sparklyr that facilitates a connection between R and Spark using a full-fledged dplyr backend with support for the entirety of Spark’s MLlib

R Packages

January 1, 0001 |

R Packages

January 1, 0001 |


January 1, 0001 |

In addition to the software we’ve written at RStudio, we’ve also authored these guides to our tools.