Jon Harmon

Jon is the admin of the R4DS Online Learning Community, host of the Tidy Tuesday Podcast, author of the factory R package (available on CRAN), co-author of the RBERT natural language processing package, and a Senior Data Scientist at Macmillan Learning. When he’s not attempting to create robot students, he tries to “pay it forward” for all the awesome help he’s gotten learning R over the last few years. He hosts a weekly R office hour on the R4DS Online Learning Community Slack instance, and a weekly podcast with the goal of helping learners master R.

rstudio::conf 2020

Learning by Teaching: Mentoring at the R4DS Online Learning Community

February 4, 2020

I host a weekly R Office Hour on the R4DS Online Learning Community Slack. By doing so, I have learned more about R than I ever would have thought.