Marcus Adams

Marcus Adams is an Associate Director, Engineering at the biopharmaceutical company Merck. He earned his BEng and MS in Chemical Engineering from the University of Delaware and Villanova University, respectively. His more than decade of experience at Merck spans the bio-pharmaceutical spectrum and includes experience in pre-clinical PK/PD modeling, product commercialization, in-line technology support, procurement, and vaccine distribution technology development. Currently, he works as a part of the Digital Proactive Process Analytics team, leveraging Merck’s Big Data Platform in the development of manufacturing information data models, report automation tools, and integrated-systems analysis applications. His professional interests include effective digital visualization, reproducible research/analysis, and convincing his coworkers of the diverse, flourishing world beyond Microsoft Excel.

rstudio::global 2021

Not The App We Deserve. The App We Need: Putting a GMP Shiny App into Production

January 21, 2021

In February 2020, the Digital Proactive Process Analytics (DPPA) group within Merck’s manufacturing division officially launched a Shiny app to automate the creation of Continuous Process Verification (CPV) reports into production.