Qian Zhao

I am a fourth year statistics PhD student at Stanford university, advised by Professor Emmanuel Candes. Prior to the Ph.D program, I was an under-graduate student in physics at Fudan University and master’s student in statistics at the University of Chicago. During my master’s program I have participated in several statistics consulting projects, and I continue to be interested to applying statistics to real-world problems, or answering scientific questions. I was a Stanford Data Science for Social Good fellow in the summer of 2019. My current research interest is high-dimensional statistics, in particular, estimation and hypothesis testing a high dimensional generalized linear model.

rstudio::conf 2020

Forecasting Platelet Blood Bag Demand to reduce Inventory Wastage at the Stanford Blood Center

January 31, 2020

The Stanford Blood Center collects and distributes blood products to Stanford Hospital. One of these is platelets, a vital clot-forming blood component with a limited shelf life of a few days.