Shelmith Kariuki

Shelmith Kariuki is a Senior Data Analyst based in Nairobi, Kenya. She is an RStudio Certified Tidyverse trainer ( ), currently working as a Data Analytics consultant with UN DESA. She previously worked as a Research Manager at Geopoll, and as a Data Analyst at Busara Center for Behavioral Economics. She also worked as an assistant lecturer in various Kenyan universities, teaching units in Statistics and Actuarial Science. She has extensive experience in data analysis using R. She co-organizes a community of R users in Nairobi ( and in Africa ( One of the missions of her community work is to make sure that there is an increased number of R adopters, in Africa. She is very passionate about training and using data analytics to drive development projects in Africa.

rstudio::global 2021

rKenyaCensus Package

January 21, 2021

The rKenyaCensus package contains the results of the 2109 Kenya Population Census.