Christophe Dervieux


Announcing bookdown v0.23

August 18, 2021

The latest version of the **bookdown** package is now on CRAN. A highlight of the version 0.23 release is a new HTML book output format based on Bootstrap 4 called `bs4_book()`. This release also includes improved search, customizable 404 pages, and new project templates.

New in knitr: Improved Accessibility with Image Alt Text

April 20, 2021

The latest version of the knitr package is now on CRAN. A highlight of the version 1.32 release is the ability to add alt text to figures produced by code chunks. Read on to learn more about how to improve the accessibility of your knitted HTML-based output.


Latest news from the R Markdown family

April 15, 2021

Happy spring! In this post, we'll share the latest news from the R Markdown family of packages so that you know all you need to know to take advantage of the newest features. New releases include the rmarkdown and pagedown packages, among others.


Announcing blogdown v1.0

January 18, 2021

The blogdown package is now on CRAN. Read on for highlights from the version 1.0 release, including smoother workflows, new checking functions to guide you into the pit of success, the ability to pin Hugo versions, better organization of content files via page bundles, and the new Markdown mode for R Markdown posts.


Latest News from the R Markdown Family

December 21, 2020

An end-of-2020 round-up of all the latest news from the R Markdown family of packages so that you know all you need to know to take advantage of the newest features.