

Rethink Reporting with Automation

May 28, 2021 |

Companies struggle with reporting. Specifically, they’re caught in a cycle of inefficient and error-prone workflows.

New in knitr: Improved Accessibility with Image Alt Text

April 20, 2021 |

The latest version of the knitr package is now on CRAN. A highlight of the version 1.32 release is the ability to add alt text to figures produced by code chunks. Read on to learn more about how to improve the accessibility of your knitted HTML-based output.


Latest news from the R Markdown family

April 15, 2021 |

Happy spring! In this post, we'll share the latest news from the R Markdown family of packages so that you know all you need to know to take advantage of the newest features. New releases include the rmarkdown and pagedown packages, among others.


Reproducible Reporting

November 21, 2017 |

R Markdown and knitr make it easy to intermingle code and text to generate compelling reports and presentations that are never out of date.


January 1, 0001 |

In addition to the software we’ve written at RStudio, we’ve also authored these guides to our tools.